In Ansley Waller’s world of Southern belles and gentlemen, getting a diamond ring isn’t just important—it’s the ultimate goal. So when her fiancé, Parish, unceremoniously kicks her to the curb and cancels their upcoming wedding, Ansley is so ashamed that she decides to leave Dallas and make a fresh start. In a surprise move, she heads to New York City to live with her recently widowed grandmother, Vivian, whom she’s never met. In turn, Vivian gives Ansley a no-nonsense ultimatum: Rather than wallow in misery, either get a job or go home.
The Waller women have a tradition of baking their way out of sorrow. So Ansley mixes batch after batch of creative cupcakes—Black Bottom Heartache, Moving Blues Banana Caramel, Tres Leches Made Small. Before long, she’s opening up her own cupcake shop and even trying her hand at dating. But the ways of Manhattan’s eligible bachelors are altogether different from their Southern counterparts, and Ansley’s nearly fail-safe tactics fall flat. And worse, someone’s got a half-baked scheme to sabotage Ansley’s new life. It’ll take a cup of courage and a dash of Southern charm, plus a few secret ingredients, if Ansley hopes to pull off her recipe for success.
I first came across The Icing On The Cupcake when I was back in my hometown, in Shoppers Drug Mart, late at night, searching for the only item I had forgot to pack for a cottage trip that weekend, underwear. Who forgets to pack underwear? Well, apparently me.
And why was I looking for it in Shoppers? It was almost 10 pm and I didn't know where else to look. I've seen 3 packs in the Toronto location, but alas, my hometown store doesn't carry them.
The trip however wasn't a complete loss. After giving up my search, the bf and I wandered over to where my mom was waiting in the book and magazine section. And there on the end of the display was The Icing On The Cupcake. After reading the back I knew that I had to read it.
So a month later, after finishing off another book series that I was reading, I finally got the change to pick it up. I'm not done reading it yet, but I am having a hard time putting it down and I'm already recommending it to other people who I think will like it. Not only is it funny, witty and charming, but it's extremely well written. But you know what the best part is?
It has a cupcake recipe at the end of every chapter!!
How awesome is that? Very awesome!
Seeing as though I haven't been updating Bake as much as Talk, I've decided to make a challenge for myself. I'm going to make all the recipes in the book and write about them for you! YAY!
So let the challenge begin!
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